My last post dealt with the point and figures pattern strategy. I made some tests and optimizations and realized that this pattern is not a profitable strategy and decided to move one.
It was an interesting experiment and maybe I'll continue it in the future.
My next stop is a multi-currency strategy since I couldn't test it properly with the Metatrader as I explained in the previous posts. There is a strategy that I want to implement for some time and this is the right time for it.
This strategy took me longer than the first one. The Java libraries are very simple and comfortable as a programmer but the lack of documentation is apparent. It took me much time to find the right code samples such as time filtering or money management.
The strategy's execution is different than Metatrader's. Instead of attaching the EA to a chart in Dukascopy you have to choose the instruments in history test, or filter the instruments in live since all the instruments signals are sent to the strategy.
My next step is performing some more optimizations, maybe insert some improvements such as trailing stop loss and forward tests.